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Your Club Needs You

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

Your club needs you. We have many tasks around the club that need workers. HCGC is a member-run club and although we don't currently require work hours from our members like many other clubs do, the board members cannot take care of all the needs around the club. Our board has been doing it's best, but many of the board members have full time jobs or other commitments. The board hears the many complaints that arise because of our lack of member participation, but we are at a loss as to how to improve things without more help.

So let's change this. Let's get many hands to make the work light. Our most urgent immediate need is for a small team to form that can run just the monthly 50-bird shoots. It would be great to have enough people come forward to help so that if someone couldn't make one of the shoots we'd still have enough people to provide a well-run shoot. Please contact President Scott McFarren to sign up: 262-224-1091.

We are also looking to add board members. Please attend the next board meeting at the club on October 7th at 7:00 p.m. to learn more about this opportunity.

We are also looking for one or several people to help manage trap leagues. We have had a difficult time finding a trap manager. Please consider helping out in this vital area of the club.

There will be more needs presented here. Please take note and find a way, even if it is a small time commitment, to contribute. Our club is only going to be as good as the people who are willing to make it good. Be one of those people.

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